Hexies have put a hex on me!

It’s always a good day when I get an idea from another blog. And that’s what happened a couple of weeks ago when I saw Michelle’s ‘From Bolt to Beauty’ modern hexie pillow.  I too bought the pattern, and it was money well spent because I have a few more ideas for what to do with this technique.

I had a few (make that a lot) of left overs from a jelly roll that I used in an art quilt a couple of years ago, and this project meant I could use some of them up while making a pillow for my eldest son’s partner. They both moved into a beautiful unit in the City several months ago, and as a result, bought a new charcoal coloured modular lounge.

I thought the bright colours from the jelly rolls would look great against the charcoal.  So here it is, warts and all, because I eyeballed the straight line sewing, and that wasn’t too successful - hence I didn't continue with the horizontal lines on the white background. 

Still, I am happy with how it turned out, although, if I make one again (and I intend to do one for me) there are a few changes I will make in construction, and I think I will try a different colour and fabric for the background. Pasting the hexies was tedious using the glue that was recommended to me - it was stringy and I found it difficult to get a thin line at the edge of the hexagon.  Also, I really need to work on accuracy for placing the hexies correctly – the glue made that more difficult than it needed to be.

I decided on a soft grey backing and I also put in a zipper using Jen Kingwell’s instructions for pillow assembly.  I did this for the pillow that I made for my friend last month. It’s very easy and adds a nice finish.

I’ll be in the City next month and plan on gifting it then!

Linking up to Michelle's 'Brag about your Beauties'.



  1. I think it's beautiful -- that's one lucky friend! I have three pillows and a bag under my belt so far ... The most successful strategy has been marking all of my quilting lines with a water-soluble marker before I adhere the hexagons.

    P.S. Nice work on the zipper!


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