'Seeing red' with Red Centre

I'm starting to wonder why I ever started this project!

A few favourites
Finding the fabrics has been the most difficult thing as I don't want to use the same fabric twice. I started to get a bit bored with the fabrics at one stage, but luckily I managed to find another Aboriginal jelly roll at my local patchwork shop. A friend donated a half pack that she didn't want any more.  And, I'm grappling with cutting into some beautiful fabrics in order to fussy cut. I feel reluctant to 'destroy' them.

But it's time to bite the bullet and add some variety to the quilt.

Here's a word of warning.

With this block I placed the black design on the outer edge of the hexie diamond.  I loved the look of that, but when I then paired it with a row of black hexies, this is what happened.

Notice how the black on the inner border is bleeding into the black outer border?  That's destroyed the shape.  Talk about 'seeing red'.  *&%$

It would have been better to place the black on the inner diamond next to the red centre.  Lesson learned.  I am loathe to rip this out and will try to find another contrasting fabric for the outer diamond. I don't think I could re-use the hexies as the stitching is so fine I might damage the fabric itself when I pull them out.  I've put this aside to think about it some more.

Of course, this isn't a finish!  Like Wendy, as I am hand piecing at the moment, it is difficult to have a finish each week. 

But, this has started me on a scrap vortex quilt to break things up a bit and get rid of some scraps.  Problem is this is creating more scraps!  And I started another hand piecing project to use up more scraps.  More on both of these projects later.

Linking up with the Wendy's Peacock Party and Michelle's Beauty Pageant.



  1. I feel your pain at making a mistake with EPP. I don't like to unpick either. I always keep my rejects though, because when you near the end of the quilt and just need a half block for the edge, or even a quarter for a corner, you will be pleased to pull a ready made one out of the box. It's going to be a great quilt. I can already see the Australian influence coming through. thank you for linking up to the Peacock Party.

  2. Ack! I don't think I would have foreseen how those red-and-black hexies would have looked against that row of black ones, either. I think putting that block in a temporary time-out was a good solution!

    I think what I like most about this project is how unifying something as simple as red centers can be. I've only ever used that principle once in a quilt project, but man, is it effective. Thanks for reminding me!


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