A new (for me) sewing table

You can unearth some gems at garage sales.

Take the last one I went to a couple of months ago.  Usually I find that the best thing to do is to go without any hopes of finding anything that I will like.  That way, it's an even bigger surprise when I fall in love with something and have to have it.

Garage sales are usually held on Saturday mornings where we live on the NSW Coast.  That happens to be the only morning in the whole week when my husband and I can spend some time together, since every other morning is taken up with some activity that keeps us apart.  It makes it hard for us to get a coffee and have a chat outside the property, so we always have a breakfast date at a favourite cafe on Saturday mornings.

This particular morning a friend called to say she was at a fantastic sale where the vendor (a keen gardener and quilter) had a few things I might be interested in. 

We quickly downed our coffees and bacon and egg rolls, and hot-footed it into town.

I'm so glad we did!  We came away with 5 half rain barrels complete with some rather unloved citrus trees.  They will need some TLC, but I am hopeful they will be a lot healthier soon.  Getting them onto a trailer later in the morning proved to be very difficult.  Lots of swearing and sweating went on.

But the real prize was a hand built sewing and cutting table.

Lots of swearing and sweating went on about loading this onto the trailer too.  Neither of us could manage to get the pieces up the stairs and into the house.  So they had to sit outside under the verandah until now (Christmas holidays) when my lovely sons came to stay.  They know that when they are here there is always furniture moving to do!

I've been wanting some kind of sewing cabinet/table that I can set my sewing machine into for ages.  But I couldn't afford anything that I liked.

This wonderful cabinet was built by the husband of the quilting lady at the garage sale.  Sadly, her husband had died and she was moving back to Sydney to be closer to family.  Hence the sale of her household goods.

I gave her a big hug and told her it had found a good home where it would be cherished.  It polished up beautifully and has pride of place under the window in my sewing room.

Now to clean up the rest of the sewing room, get rid of my unwanted furniture, and then fill those drawers and cupboards with stuff that is currently sitting around in various boxes and on dilapidated shelves.

My New Year's Resolution is to get this finished by the end of January.



  1. How hard it must have been for her to give up the wonderful table, both because it is perfect for sewing and built by her DH. It will be a joy for you and a relief for her that it’s gone to another maker.


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