Hexie squirrel in my lap

Some time last year I came across an old blog that had a knitting pattern for hexagons.

I made a knitted throw for a friend and really enjoyed making the hexies.

Ever since then I've had an idea swirling around in my head for how to make a throw for myself, but with hexie flowers, rather than random placing of hexies.

I've made a start ... unfortunately it's keeping me away from what I should be doing.  I'm stonewalled by the stone roses at the moment, but knitting hexies is a great way to relax at the end of a hard day at work.

I'm using rather cheap acryllic yarn from the same supplier.  But I'm finding that the white yarn which I have chosen to use as the centre of the 'flowers' is not as thick as the same yarn, same supplier, in saturated colours.  I wonder if anyone knows why this is so?  It doesn't matter too much for this project, but it's something that is making me wonder.  I will be embroidering knitted french knots in the centre of each white hexagon to represent the stamens.

I've made lots of these 'flowers' in many colours, and I like the way it is developing.

Terrible pic, but you get the idea.

Anyhoo, I will post updates as the throw develops, and I'm enjoying the kind of mindless knitting that means I can watch foreign language films (almost always the best) reading the subtitles as I occasionally look up and glance at the TV screen.

Have a happy weekend everyone!


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