Bushfire awakening

In my last post I talked about my visit to Braidwood to pick up a raffle quilt that I had won and where I spent a wonderful couple of hours visiting with the ladies of Braidwood Quilters.

My drive out to Braidwood almost didn’t happen because of a large bushfire in Nelligen.  While I visited Braidwood we talked about the terrible drought afflicting New South Wales.  One of the ladies commented that visitors to the Exhibition were lower than normal because farmers are doing it hard at the moment and there is less money to spend.  A dry State means lots of fuel for fires.

I managed to get up Kings Highway which was thick with smoke from the bushfire and made it to Braidwood.  However, since then a new bushfire just outside Braidwood has spread and the Kings Highway is often closed.  It is a tragedy and very distressing to think of the farmers and other people living in the region who have lost property.

Here in Rosedale we are getting a lot of smoke, but so far, no fires.  The nearest bushfire is about 40km away from us.  But a 30km firefront can chew up 40km very quickly.  We keep up to date with the Rural Fire Service to make sure we are aware of anything getting closer to us.

Our fire plan is to leave sooner rather than later.  Bags are packed, dog leads and food are in the car, cars are parked in the driveway in the direction we need to take off in, and we have important documents backed up on the laptop.  

Lives are more important than property.

Baby quilt in the making

Browsing the Internet I came across an inspirational post from Allison at New Every Morning Patchwork and Quilting.  She blogged about a baby quilt she had made on commission for a friend.

I really like the snowball block and have started to make my own version.  The background fabric is proving challenging.  I don’t know where I got it, and I won’t have enough for the whole quilt, but I don’t intend tracking any of it down.  It frays terribly. So my blocks will have scrappy backgrounds of grey on white.
Not perfect … but good enough for me!

I don’t know what I will alternate the block with – hearts maybe?  I’m not sure if the new baby will be a boy or a girl, so I am just going with an all-over colour palette.

It’s keeping me away from hand sewing for a while and I hope the quilt will be put to good use next year!

While sewing, and writing, I’m thinking of all those caught up in the bushfires, especially the ladies in Braidwood.



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