
Showing posts from January, 2019

'Seeing red' with Red Centre

I'm starting to wonder why I ever started this project! A few favourites Finding the fabrics has been the most difficult thing as I don't want to use the same fabric twice. I started to get a bit bored with the fabrics at one stage, but luckily I managed to find another Aboriginal jelly roll at my local patchwork shop. A friend donated a half pack that she didn't want any more.  And, I'm grappling with cutting into some beautiful fabrics in order to fussy cut. I feel reluctant to 'destroy' them. But it's time to bite the bullet and add some variety to the quilt. Here's a word of warning. With this block I placed the black design on the outer edge of the hexie diamond.  I loved the look of that, but when I then paired it with a row of black hexies, this is what happened. Notice how the black on the inner border is bleeding into the black outer border?  That's destroyed the shape.  Talk about 'seeing red'.  *&%$ It

A new (for me) sewing table

You can unearth some gems at garage sales. Take the last one I went to a couple of months ago.  Usually I find that the best thing to do is to go without any hopes of finding anything that I will like.  That way, it's an even bigger surprise when I fall in love with something and have to have it. Garage sales are usually held on Saturday mornings where we live on the NSW Coast.  That happens to be the only morning in the whole week when my husband and I can spend some time together, since every other morning is taken up with some activity that keeps us apart.  It makes it hard for us to get a coffee and have a chat outside the property, so we always have a breakfast date at a favourite cafe on Saturday mornings. This particular morning a friend called to say she was at a fantastic sale where the vendor (a keen gardener and quilter) had a few things I might be interested in.  We quickly downed our coffees and bacon and egg rolls, and hot-footed it into town. I'm so gla